Director duo Ethan Barrett and Tom Gullam are now on the books at Partizan for global representation. The move follows the release of 'Holy, Holy' for Geordie Greep, a rock and roll promo that must have been a ton of fun to make.
Like a left-field ad for CJ's Bowling in Hockley, the film has Greep roll strike after strike after strike between slurps of his cocktail and a few shimmy-rific dance moves. The more we learn about Greep's character, however, the less convinced we are of his abilities on the lane. Ethan & Tom then cross the foul line as the extent of the singer's delusion becomes clear.
Such work leads managing director Jenny Beckett to say: "Since meeting Ethan and Tom, their originality, dedication, and innovative approach has truly stood out. We're anticipating a very exciting future for them at Partizan." As for the men who've come a long since their University of Westminster days? "We're really excited to be joining Partizan's roster. Their creative spirit and exceptional team of producers, reps and executive producers have been a dream to work with and we're buzzing to be stepping into this next chapter with them."
You can watch more of Ethan & Tom's work here. Next, email Danny Herman via