Once upon a full moon, Joffrey Jans directed under the name 'Wolf & Lamm' with Kai Kurve. These days, Jans is a lone wolf who goes by his real name. As fans of alliteration and quality work, You Are Here were quick to sign Jans for UK representation.
MD Jeremy Goold signed Wolf & Lamm back in the HSI London days, so You Are Here already feels like home to the German. Needless to say, he gets a warm welcome from Goold: "Joffrey is an incredibly exciting new addition to our roster and we're thrilled to be representing him on these shores."
This is in large part down to work like this commercial-cum-music video for Strellson, Switzerland's largest menswear manufacturer. The film opens with a submarine crashed through the middle of a street and things only get madder from there. A besuited figure causes havoc all over town to the strains of 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen, with enough sexual references to last a whole weekend. The result is campy, barmy, and enthralling—just three of the many strings to Jans's bow.
Click here to see more of Joffrey Jans's work. Next, ring Katie Reynolds on 020 3735 6699 or email katie@youarehereuk.com.